culinary business, determination, decision support system, weighted productAbstract
Padangan is one of the sub-districts in Bojonegoro Regency where the majority of the people's livelihoods are trading, especially in the culinary business. However, the types of culinary businesses that exist today are very diverse, making it difficult to determine the right type of culinary business. Therefore, a Decision Support System (DSS) is needed to help business actors so that they do not make mistakes in determining the type of culinary business. The DSS method used in this study is Weighted Product (WP) because it can choose the best alternative based on criteria through ranking. The criteria for determining the right type of culinary business include initial capital, number of competitors, number of enthusiasts, number of human resources needed, level of difficulty (process time), and number of variations. Method testing was carried out on 23 alternative types of culinary businesses in Padangan. The test results showed that the top 3 types of culinary that are right in Padangan are Traditional Herbal Medicine, Bread and Cakes, and Fried Food with the highest alternative preference value of 0.06701506 so that "Traditional Herbal Medicine" is used as an alternative culinary business that has the best opportunities in the Padangan area.
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