Optimalisasi Website E-Commerce Menggunakan Teknik Search Engine Optimization (Seo) On-Page Dan Off-Page Untuk Meningkatkan Penjualan Pada Toko Bintang Mandir


  • Indarti anggrain
  • Suparyanto




SEO, On-Page and Off-page, Website.


Bintang Mandiri Snack Shop is a shop that sells various kinds of dry cakes. The main problem faced by this shop is the lack of use of information technology to improve operational efficiency and product marketing. In addition, this shop has not utilized e-commerce technology and search engine optimization (SEO) effectively to expand market reach and increase sales. This research method includes several stages, namely problem identification using the Fishbone Diagram model, literature study, analysis of the running system with the Business Model Canvas, and SEO implementation. SEO optimization was carried out for 16 days, including homepage optimization (on-page) and the use of backlinks through social profiles and social media (off-page). The results showed that the Bintang Mandiri Snack website was successfully indexed by Google and began to appear on the search results page on July 12, 2024. SEO optimization increased the number of visitors from 0 to 123 visitors in the period 11-21 July 2024, with a percentage increase of 62.32%. The total impressions on Google reached 1,500 impressions during the optimization process.




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