
  • Asep Afandi Program Studi Sistem Informasi Fakulatas Ilmu Komputer Institut Teknologi Bisnis dan Bahasa DCC
  • Dwi Marisa Efendi Program Studi Sistem Informasi Fakulatas Ilmu Komputer Institut Teknologi Bisnis dan Bahasa DCC
  • Pitrawati Program Studi komputerisasi Akuntansi Fakultas Ilmu Komputer Institut Teknologi Bisnis dan Bahasa DCC



Expert System, Forward Chaining, PHP


The development of information technology has had a significant impact in the field of agribusiness, often cultivators have difficulty in caring for it. In Trimodadi village, most of the people have not been trained to handle corn plant diseases, so that if they experience symptoms of the disease faced by the community, they may not necessarily know how to deal with it. The Expert System will act like an expert. The system will provide a list of symptoms until it can identify an object based on the answers it receives. So the system will provide a list of symptoms until it can identify an object based on the answers received by looking at the symptoms experienced by the user, and later this Expert System can explain and diagnose whether the user is affected by downy mildew, leaf spot, leaf blight, rust, midrib rot, stem rot, cob rot, and maize dwarf mosaic virus. The method used in this research is Forward Chaining, which is a search method or forward tracking technique and combining rules to produce a conclusion or goal. The results of this study have created an application program in the form of software that can be used to diagnose corn plant diseases using the Forward Chaining method. The system can determine the disease by way of diagnosis, namely answering questions in the form of symptoms that are in accordance with what is experienced in corn plants, after making a diagnosis it will get results in the form of types of diseases and their remedies.


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