effective communication, learning process, information technologyAbstract
Effective communication has an important role in the learning process, especially in the era of information technology advancements. This study aimed to explore the application of effective communication, its urgency, and its benefits in the learning process in the era of information technology. The method used in this study was a qualitative descriptive method, a method for observing activities in the learning process by using data presentation, interpreting the data, and then drawing conclusions. Data collection was carried out using interviews and participatory observation techniques. The subjects of the study were English lecturers and 28 students of the Statistical and Computer Systems Engineering departments of AKPRIND University of Indonesia who take the English course in the first semester of the academic year 2024/2025. The data analysis used is qualitative descriptive analysis with the following steps: data from the interview were interpreted directly, while the results of the questionnaire and observations were interpreted using qualitative descriptive analysis. The results of the study show that: 1) the application of effective communication is very important in the learning process, especially in conveying messages to students. 2) Information technology supports the learning process as a means of realizing effective communication through online platforms and communication applications. 3) The benefits of effective communication in the learning process are as follows: increasing students’ activeness in the learning process, developing students' social skills, creating a positive learning atmosphere, increasing learning motivation, and building harmonious relationships between lecturers and students.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Siti Saudah, Suprih Ambawani, Bernadetta Eko Putranti, Raysa Nurqomarullail Arrabbani
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