Pollution Control, Pollution Index, River Water Quality Status.Abstract
River water pollution in Bengkalis Regency, particularly in Bukit Batu River, has seen an increase in pollution levels that significantly affect water quality. This study aims to analyze the water quality and pollution load in Bukit Batu River, Bengkalis Regency, as well as to explore the socio-economic factors of the communities that depend on the river. Bukit Batu River plays an essential role in the local community's life, serving as a source of water for domestic and agricultural purposes, as well as supporting the fisheries sector. However, in recent years, the river's water quality has deteriorated significantly due to deforestation, land conversion for oil palm plantations, and pollution from domestic, agricultural, and industrial activities. This study employs a quantitative approach with methods including observation, in-depth interviews, and literature review. Water samples were collected at three observation points representing the upstream, midstream, and downstream sections of the river. The water quality data were analyzed and compared with the standards set in government regulations. The results show that in June and September 2024, the water quality of Bukit Batu River decreased, with parameters for BOD and COD exceeding the established quality standards. The increase in BOD and COD was primarily influenced by domestic waste, agricultural runoff, and weather factors such as high rainfall. In June, the water quality was slightly better due to clear weather, which reduced pollution activity, while in September, heavy rainfall increased the water flow, carrying pollutants into the river. The pollution load analysis indicated a rise in pollution in September, showing that water conditions change significantly depending on environmental factors and human activities around the river. The increased pollution load analysis suggests potential adverse impacts on the ecosystem and public health in the surrounding areas. This study is expected to provide recommendations for sustainable river management policies and to help maintain the water quality of Bukit Batu River within safe and healthy standards for both the ecosystem and local communities.
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