Elevation Angle, Sun, Solar Panels, Solar Panel PowerAbstract
The sun is a clean and environmentally friendly energy source, this energy is very suitable for use in tropical countries such as Indonesia. Currently, human dependence on energy is causing an energy crisis in the world. Therefore, there is a need to develop renewable energy such as the application of solar panels that are sourced from solar energy. converted into electrical energy. The problem that arises is how the elevation angle of the solar panel affects the power produced with the aim of knowing the effect of the correct elevation angle to obtain the highest power output produced by the solar panel. The methods used are literature study, preparation of tools and materials, assembly of tools, installation, data collection.The test carried out was an elevation angle experiment with variations in angles of 0o, 15o, 30o. From the results of the research that has been carried out, it is known that 0o, is highest at 12.00, which is 260.92 watts and the lowest is at 16.00, which is 133.74 watts. At an angle of 15o, the highest is at 11.00, namely 266.69 watts and the lowest is at 16.00, namely 127.90 watts. At an angle of 30o, the highest is at 12.00, namely 291.70 watts and the lowest is at 16.00, namely 129,368 watts. The highest average power produced by solar panels is at an angle of 30o, amounting to 214.70 watts, this happens because the greater the intensity of sunlight, the greater the power produced by solar panels.
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