
  • Muhammad Risky
  • Drajat Indah Mawarni*




Bioetanol, Molasse, Pertalite


Bioethanol is an alcohol compound that comes from the fermentation process of carbohydrate compounds using the help of the microbe saccaromyches cereviceae.  Bioethanol production from plants containing cellulose, including molasses, is carried out through the conversion process of lignocellulose into cellulose using several methods, namely; physical, chemical and biological hydrolysis.  Molasses which comes from the Gendis Multi Manis Jepon Blora Sugar Factory, Central Java, is a by-product of the sugar processing industry which still contains sugar and organic acids. The molasses produced has a fairly high sucrose content in molasses, around 48-55% so it can be used as a good raw material for making ethanol. The results of tests carried out using a mixture of Bioethanol with Pertalite fuel have an influence on exhaust gas emissions by increasing the bioethanol mixture. produces different values ​​of CO, HC, CO2, O2. The highest CO value in pure pertalite fuel is 7.79% and the lowest CO value is in the 30% Bioethanol mixture, namely with a CO value of 0.27%. The highest HC value in pure pertalite fuel is 7.31 ppm and the HC value the lowest was in the 10% Bioethanol mixture, namely 1.52 ppm. The highest CO2 value was in the 30% Bioethanol mixture, namely 9.00% and the lowest CO2 value was in the 10% Bioethanol mixture, namely with a CO2 value of 2.30%. Furthermore, the highest O2 value was in the 30% Bioethanol mixture, namely 14.46% and the lowest O2 value was in the 10% Bioethanol mixture, namely with an O2 value of 3.46%.


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