rice husk ash, gasification, silica synthesisAbstract
Soil degradation in Indonesia due to excessive use of chemical fertilizers leads to a decline in soil quality, increased toxicity, and environmental damage, which negatively impacts crop productivity. This study aims to synthesize sodium silicate from gasified rice husk ash as an alternative organic fertilizer and to determine the optimal operational conditions for the synthesis process. Organic fertilizers have the potential to improve soil structure and reduce compaction, while nano-fertilizer technology offers efficiency in nutrient release. The research was conducted in the Chemical Engineering Operations Laboratory at Universitas AKPRIND Indonesia, with varying soaking times in a 2 M NaOH solution of 45, 60, 75, and 90 minutes. The results indicate that the optimal soaking time for sodium silicate synthesis is 45 minutes, yielding 0.6 grams of sodium silicate with a yield of 12%. The increase in NaOH concentration is associated with the solubility of sodium silicate, but the results show the presence of unreacted excess NaOH. This study underscores the importance of optimizing soaking time and NaOH concentration to enhance the efficiency of sodium silicate production from rice husk ash and contributes to the development of more environmentally friendly and sustainable organic fertilizers within the context of modern agriculture. Furthermore, this research has the potential to open opportunities for farmers to reduce their dependence on chemical fertilizers, thereby supporting environmental sustainability. The implementation of sodium silicate as an organic fertilizer can improve soil health and crop quality. Additionally, the findings are expected to contribute to sustainable agricultural policies in Indonesia. Finally, the utilization of rice husk ash as a source of sodium silicate will enhance the added value of agricultural waste and support more efficient natural resource management.
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