
  • Hefni Rosyadi Akademi Komunitas Industri Tekstil dan Produk Tekstil Surakarta
  • Valentina Sri Pertiwi Rumiyati Akademi Komunitas Industri Tekstil dan Produk Tekstil Surakarta
  • Bintan Oktaviani Akademi Komunitas Industri Tekstil dan Produk Tekstil Surakarta
  • Viki Uswatul Khoridah Akademi Komunitas Industri Tekstil dan Produk Tekstil Surakarta



Air Jet Loom, OEE, Six big losses


PT Z produces gray fabric using the Picanol PAT-A Air Jet Loom. In May 2023, the company's efficiency declined, producing 56,432 meters of gray cloth, 73,15% efficiency, and a total grade C of 0,89%. The results fell short of the company's target of 67,800 meters with an 85% minimum efficiency of 85% and a 2% maximum grade C target. To address the low efficiency, research was conducted in June 2023 using overall equipment effectiveness (OEE) and six big loss analyses to identify improvement areas. The research method involves direct field observation of the machine monitor and literature study. It begins by measuring machine effectiveness using the OEE method, which includes calculating availability, performance efficiency, and product quality rates, and assessing the six big losses. The average OEE value is 67,28%, below the JIPM standard of >85%. Analysis of six big losses shows reduced speed losses at 39,14, idling and minor stoppage losses at 32, 18%, breakdown losses at 16,61%, and setup and adjustment losses at 11,16%. 16% yield loss at 0,92% and rework losses at 0%. Reduced speed losses are the main factor causing losses due to low engine operational speed below the ideal. Based on a fishbone diagram analysis, the main factor of reduced speed losses is the machine factor, namely the age of the machine 32 years, continuous use, worn machine parts, and difficult to find on the market. To enhance efficiency with modifying spare parts, re-establish a replacement schedule, and document all machine damage events.


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