lurik fabric, liquid waste, electrolysisAbstract
Lurik cloth is a textile product that is very popular with the public. Its existence boosts the community's economy. However, on the other hand, the process of making lurik cloth produces liquid waste that can damage the environment, ecosystems and is harmful to human health. This study aims to reduce the color intensity in textile industry liquid waste using the electrolysis method to improve the quality of wastewater so that it is suitable for disposal. This study used textile waste from the Lurik industry; Klaten; Central Java as a sample material. The parameters observed were color intensity, pH, Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) and Total Suspended Solids (TSS). After the electrolysis process, the solution was analyzed qualitatively and quantitatively with a UV-Vis Spectrometer and TSS value analysis. The results showed that the electrolysis method was effective in reducing pollution parameters in liquid waste. At a voltage of 15 volts for 90 and 120 minutes, the pH value of the liquid waste decreased to 12.17%. In addition, there was a decrease in TDS and TSS levels. The highest TDS level decreased to 23.16% at a voltage of 15 volts and a contact time of 120 minutes, while TSS decreased by 7.36% under the same conditions. Based on these results, researchers provide practical recommendations to the textile industry in the management of lurik fabric dyeing liquid waste to apply the electrolysis method as a sustainable and environmentally friendly liquid waste processing strategy. Thus, this study is expected to provide a positive contribution in efforts to reduce liquid waste pollution and environmental preservation.
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