Alternative Fertiliser, Cow Urine, Fermentation, Rice Husk, Simple Compost TechnologyAbstract
The potential of cow urine and rice husk waste in Bulu Ulaweng Village has not been fully realized due to a lack of knowledge and insufficient community outreach. Consequently, both the community and the Working Group IV (Pokja) of the Healthy Village in Bulu Ulaweng have struggled to harness this potential. This community service program aims to bridge this gap by converting cow urine and rice husk waste into organic compost fertilizer. This innovative product has not been introduced by agricultural extension workers or other initiatives in Bone Regency, highlighting the urgent need for this program. The program follows a three-stage community empowerment model: counseling, training, and mentoring. In the counseling stage, participants learn the benefits and methods of processing cow urine and rice husk waste. The training stage provides hands-on experience in creating organic compost fertilizer, ensuring practical skill acquisition. The mentoring stage supports the community in independently applying their new knowledge and skills, promoting long-term sustainability. The program has had highly positive outcomes. Partners now understand the benefits of processing these materials and have developed the skills to convert them into organic compost fertilizer. They have also successfully marketed their products online, achieving a productivity increase of up to 99%. Beyond economic benefits, this program contributes significantly to advancing Sustainable Development Goal No. 3, which focuses on creating healthy and prosperous communities. This initiative is expected to serve as a benchmark for other villages, encouraging effective local resource utilization.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Hasniar, Muhammad Ali, Andi Muhammad Irfan Taufan Asfar, Andi Muhamad Iqbal Akbar Asfar, Sri Wahyuni, Nurfamariani
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