Maja fruit, hand washing soap, chemicalAbstract
Maggenrang Village is a village located in Kahu District, Bone Regency. One of the hamlets in Maggenrang Village that stands out is Pettungnge Hamlet, where maja plants grow in abundance. Each house in this hamlet has around 3-4 maja trees which are used as hedges. However, maja fruit in Pettungnge Hamlet is left lying around or even used as toys by children. Most of the maja fruit that falls from the trees is also thrown into the river because it has an unpleasant aroma. The main problem related to maja fruit in Pettungnge Hamlet is the lack of public knowledge in using it. Maja fruit has a taste that tends to be bitter and has a strong smell, especially old fruit1. In fact, maja fruit has great potential to be used as raw material for making hand washing soap as a sanitation product. The solution offered by the Proposing Team is to transform maja fruit into environmentally friendly hand washing soap. Currently, hand washing soap on the market contains chemicals that are not good for the environment and skin health. Using natural ingredients such as maja fruit as an alternative can help reduce the negative impacts of chemical soap. Maja fruit contains saponin compounds which cause this fruit to foam when mixed with water. Therefore, maja fruit can be processed into safer and more effective hand washing soap. By producing hand washing soap from maja fruit, people can increase their knowledge and skills in producing products of high economic value. Apart from that, it is also in line with the village's sustainable development goals (SDGs), especially in creating healthy, prosperous and environmentally conscious villages.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Andi Rosdaliani, Aisyah Nursyam, Andi Muhammad Irfan Taufan Asfar, Andi Muhamad Iqbal Akbar Asfar, Ika Paradina Kusma, Fani wulandari, Andi Nurannisa
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