
  • Bambang Yulianto Program Studi Teknik Pembuatan Benang, Akademi Komunitas Industri Tekstil dan Produk Tekstil Surakarta
  • Nova Yastifa Stevefani* Program Studi Teknik Pembuatan Benang, Akademi Komunitas Industri Tekstil dan Produk Tekstil Surakarta
  • Ahmad Darmawi Program Studi Teknik Pembuatan Benang, Akademi Komunitas Industri Tekstil dan Produk Tekstil Surakarta




Cotton yarn, quality control, fishbone analysis, yarn defects, textile industry


This study aims to identify and control the primary factors causing defects in Cotton 30 W yarn at PT Bintang Asahi Textile Industry using fishbone analysis. The research hypothesis states that yarn defects are caused by variations in raw material quality, insufficient operator accuracy, suboptimal mixing methods, and unfavorable environmental conditions. Data collected included Ne and TPI checks on uneven yarn samples analyzed from the packing area. The results revealed inconsistencies in TPI values for dark yarns, attributed to inconsistencies in raw materials and operational factors. Improvement measures are proposed, including selecting raw materials based on micronaire standards, retraining operators, and adjusting production methods. These findings highlight the importance of stringent quality control in the production process to enhance consistent yarn quality. Implementing these results is expected to increase product competitiveness in the global market by meeting export quality standards.


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