Jurnal Teknologi
<p><strong>Jurnal Teknologi</strong> (e-ISSN: 2338-6711), diterbitkan <strong>Fakultas Teknik</strong>, <strong>Universitas AKPRIND Indonesia</strong> sebagai media publikasi karya ilmiah/penelitian dalam bidang teknologi. <strong> Jurnal Teknologi</strong> terbit 2 (dua) kali dalam setahun pada bulan <strong>Juni </strong>dan<strong> Desember<br /></strong></p>en-US<div class="page"> <div class="page"> <div class="page"> <p><strong>Jurnal Teknologi</strong> provides immediate open access to its content in order of making research freely available to the public to support a global exchange of knowledge. All articles published in this journal are free for everyone to read and download, under licence <a href="https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/deed.id" target="_blank" rel="noopener">CC BY SA</a>. </p> <p>Benefits of open access for the author, include:</p> <ul> <li class="show">Free access for all users worldwide.</li> <li class="show">Authors retain copyright to their work.</li> <li class="show">Increased visibility and readership.</li> <li class="show">No spatial constraints.</li> </ul> </div> </div> </div>[email protected] (Fakultas Teknik)[email protected] (Redaksi Jurnal Teknologi)Thu, 09 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0800OJS Monitoring Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Bayu (PLTB) Berbasis Thingspeak IoT di Desa Wisata Bukit Kunci Blora
<p><em>The Wind Power Plant (PLTB) in Bukit Kunci Blora has not yet been equipped with an adequate monitoring system, making it challenging to monitor the performance of the PLTB in real-time. This research aims to design and implement a monitoring system for the PLTB in the Bukit Kunci Tourism Village, Blora. The developed monitoring system is based on the Internet of Things (IoT) and uses the ThingSpeak platform to monitor key parameters such as current, voltage, generated power, turbine RPM, and generator RPM. The research methodology includes designing the hardware and software of the monitoring system, testing the accuracy of the sensors used, and collecting data over a period of 7 days. The test results show that the sensors used in this research, including the INA219 sensor with an accuracy of 96.1%, the voltage sensor with 97.53%, the infrared sensor for turbine RPM with 95.51%, and the infrared sensor for generator RPM with 95.41%, can be accessed through the ThingSpeak platform. This research is expected to serve as a foundation for the development of Wind Power Plants (PLTB) in Bukit Kunci Tourism Village, Blora, or other locations.</em></p>Arjun Permadi, Lastoni Wibowo
Copyright (c) 2024 Arjun Permadi, Lastoni Wibowo
https://ejournal.akprind.ac.id/index.php/jurtek/article/view/4570Tue, 24 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0800Analisis Penyebab Utama Dan Peningkatan Kualitas Yarn Fault Pada Proses Winding Cotton Compact Ne 40 UW: Pendekatan Empiris
<p><em>This study aims to identify and analyze the main factors contributing to the high yarn fault rates in the winding process of Cotton Compact Ne 40 UW production at PT Tantra Textile Industry. The methodology employed includes an ex post facto approach, direct observation, and historical data analysis from the Ring Spinning Frame (RSF) and winding machines. The findings reveal that Short Thick and Long Thick faults are the most dominant types, accounting for over 60% of the total detected faults, primarily due to variations in yarn thickness beyond control limits. Additionally, unstable environmental conditions and suboptimal machine cleanliness were found to exacerbate the quality of the yarn. These findings emphasize the need for stricter control over environmental parameters and improved machine maintenance to enhance yarn quality. The practical implications of this research include the implementation of advanced environmental monitoring systems and intensive machine maintenance programs. This study makes a significant contribution to the literature by providing detailed empirical analysis of the factors affecting yarn quality during the winding stage and offering data-driven recommendations for improving textile production quality.</em></p>Ahmad Darmawi, Rendy Stiyaji, Sih Parmawati
Copyright (c) 2024 Ahmad Darmawi, Rendy Stiyaji, Sih Parmawati
https://ejournal.akprind.ac.id/index.php/jurtek/article/view/4412Sat, 28 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0800Modifikasi Sistem Pengapian Konvensional ke CDI pada Motor Dua Langkah
<p><em>The purpose of this research is to determine the performance, exhaust emissions and fuel consumption of 2-stroke motorcycles by comparing conventional ignition and CDI systems. To find out the performance, power and torque tests were carried out on a 2-stroke motorcycle, the results of tests that have been carried out on variations of conventional ignition and CDI ignition, it is known that the use of CDI ignition has the highest power of 11.1 HP at 6250 RPM engine speed in 1.98 seconds. The use of CDI ignition has the highest torque of 12.58 Nm at 6250 RPM in 1.98 seconds. The lowest fuel consumption at 5250 rpm is 29.2 ml/min using CDI ignition. While the highest CO exhaust emissions in this study, using CDI ignition variation at 5000 rpm with an average value of 5.00% with pertalite fuel, The highest HC exhaust gas emissions in this study with an average value of 9999 ppm.</em></p>Sarjono, Dody Alfianto, Wahyu Diono
Copyright (c) 2024 Sarjono, Dody Alfianto, Wahyu Diono
https://ejournal.akprind.ac.id/index.php/jurtek/article/view/4990Fri, 29 Nov 2024 00:00:00 +0800Pengambilan Tanin dalam Serbuk Kulit Kelapa dengan Ekstraksi Menggunakan Etanol
<p><em>Coconut shell powder can be used as a planting medium called cocopeat. Cocopeat has several advantages, namely being able to bind and store water optimally, and containing essential nutritional elements that plants need. Behind the many advantages of cocopeat, there are also disadvantages of cocopeat, namely the tannin content which inhibits the absorption of nutrients into plants. However, if tannin can be separated from other ingredients, it can be used, for example in the health sector as a producer of anti-oxidants which can capture free radicals in the body. Apart from that, tannins are often used for industrial purposes, including as a leather tanner, as an adhesive, as a dye and so on. This tannin extraction aims to improve the quality of cocopeat so that it does not hinder the absorption of nutrients in cocopeat into plant roots, and to obtain tannin which is much needed for industrial purposes. In this research, tannins from coconut shell powder were extracted using ethanol. Optimal conditions to obtain maximum tannin extract are carried out at a solution boiling temperature of 78<sup>o</sup>C cm, stirring speed of 300 rpm, ratio of solvent volume to material mass of 10 mL/g, and a process time of 3 hours. Under these conditions, it is able to extract 87% of the tannins in coconut shell powder.</em></p> <p><em> </em></p>Murni Yuniwati, Wahyu Sheilma, Bambang Kusmartono, Muhammad Yusuf
Copyright (c) 2024 Murni Yuniwati
https://ejournal.akprind.ac.id/index.php/jurtek/article/view/4409Sun, 29 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0800Aplikasi Pembelajaran Pengenalan Komponen dan Perangkat Jaringan WAN Berbasis AR di SMK N 1 Pleret
<p><em>Limitations in practical tools for introducing WAN components and devices at SMK Negeri 1 Pleret hinder classroom learning activities. The proposed technological solution involves using Augmented Reality (AR). This research aims to develop and evaluate an AR-based learning application for introducing WAN components and devices. The research method used is Research and Development (R&D) employing the ADDIE model, which includes analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation. Evaluation was conducted by media experts, subject matter experts, and small groups. Evaluation results indicate that this application is highly suitable, with media expert ratings at 85.45%, subject matter experts at 84.21%, and small groups at 90.71%, all categorized as highly suitable. Based on N-gain score testing, the application has an effectiveness rating of 72.34%, categorizing it as sufficiently effective. This application is expected to serve as an effective tool for learning about WAN components and devices, and contribute as a reference for further research and development.</em></p>Riski Sokani, Oktavia Hardiyantari
Copyright (c) 2024 Riski Sokani, Oktavia Hardiyantari
https://ejournal.akprind.ac.id/index.php/jurtek/article/view/4752Mon, 30 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0800In-Match and Out-Match Game Console Network Ping Comparison Analysis on a First-Person Arena Shooter (Case Study: East Jakarta, Indonesia)
<p><em>As offline and online game technologies evolve, gaming technology and devices constantly change. Games can be played on PCs or various console machines, including portable and non-portable devices. XDefiant is a free-to-play, first-person arena shooter in which players compete in fast-paced online matches. This research aimed to compare the ping values between in-match and out-match when playing an online first-person shooter game on a console machine. The study utilized a quantitative method using primary data and a descriptive approach, with data collected from June to July 2024. The game capture latency stage involved taking 30 screenshots in 10 in-match scenarios and 30 screenshots during out-match scenarios. Network pings were analyzed during both in-match and out-match. The mean ping during the in-match was significantly higher than during the out-match, with an average difference of approximately 12.77 ms. The standard deviation for the in-match was also higher than that for the out-match. An interesting finding was that the maximum ping during out-match was higher than during in-match, though the difference was only 1 ms. The ping trend increased during the in-match, while it decreased for better performance during the out-match. Despite the varying trends in both in-match and out-match, players reported excellent game performance during the research period.</em></p>Katherine Luckman Bahagia, Felicia Kusuma, Rafie Djajasoepena, Wandy
Copyright (c) 2024 Katherine Luckman Bahagia, Felicia Kusuma, Rafie Djajasoepena, Wandy
https://ejournal.akprind.ac.id/index.php/jurtek/article/view/4751Mon, 30 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0800Pengaruh Penambahan Gliserol dan Kaolin serta Variabel Suhu pada Pembuatan Bioplastik dari Kulit Pisang Raja
<p><em>Bioplastic is a kind of plastic made from natural polymers such as starch with a mixture of plasticizers and fillers. Banana peel (Musa paradisiaca L) can be used as a source of starch because it contains high starch, which is approximately 80%. This study was aimed to determine the effect of variations in glycerol concentration, kaolin concentration, and stirring temperature on the characteristics of the bioplastic, where glycerol and kaolin act as plasticizers and fillers. The experiment was conducted by mixing raw materials in the form of banana peel powder, glycerol, and kaolin. The concentrations of glycerol and kaolin were varied at 5%; 10%; 15%; 20%; 25% v/w starch, and 5%; 10%; 15%; 20%; 25% w/w starch, respectively, until bioplastic with optimum mechanical properties was obtained. Furthermore, the experiment was continued with temperature variations of 65°C; 70°C; 75°C; 80°C; and 85°C. The quality of bioplastics was examined through the thickness, tensile strength, elongation percentage, water absorption, biodegradation, and FTIR tests. Optimum results were obtained in bioplastics with a glycerol concentration, kaolin concentration, and stirring temperature of 20%, 15%, and 75<sup>o</sup>C, respectively. The relatively best bioplastics yielded had characteristics of a thickness of 0.084 mm, tensile strength of 13.047 MPa, elongation of 13.13%, and water absorption of 3.56%. These results have met Indonesia's national standards for bioplastics.</em></p>Siti Diyar Kholisoh, Faizah Hadi, Endang Sulistyawati
Copyright (c) 2024 Siti Diyar Kholisoh, Faizah Hadi, Endang Sulistyawati
https://ejournal.akprind.ac.id/index.php/jurtek/article/view/4984Sun, 29 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0800 Studi Timbulan dan Komposisi Sampah Kampus 3 Universitas AKPRIND Indonesia
<p><em>Waste management is a critical issue faced by many institutions, including universities. AKPRIND University Indonesia, as an educational institution, has a large population, including students, teaching staff, and employees, who generate waste every day. Studies on waste generation and composition on campus are important for understanding waste production patterns and for designing effective and sustainable management strategies. The lack of accurate data on waste generation and composition often becomes an obstacle in formulating effective waste management policies. Therefore, the aim of this research is to gather data on waste generation, waste composition, and to provide recommendations for effective waste management. The research method includes calculating the amount of waste generated based on the weight and volume of the waste, then sorting the waste by type to determine the weight of each type of waste. The results of this study show an average total waste weight of 14.80 kg, an average total waste volume of 0.23 m3, and the most common types of waste are plastic waste at 7.36 kg, organic waste at 4.42 kg, paper waste at 1.43 kg, and other waste at 0.85 kg. The results of the waste generation data and waste composition are used to formulate waste management recommendations at Campus 3 of Universitas AKPRIND Indonesia, including: the need for policies from the University Leadership regarding efforts to reduce plastic waste, proper waste sorting, processing of organic waste by utilizing it for Black Soldier Fly (BSF) larvae cultivation, recycling of plastic waste, and the suggestion to establish a Waste Management.</em></p>Paramita Dwi Sukmawati, Eka Sulityaningsih
Copyright (c) 2024 Paramita Dwi Sukmawati, Eka Sulityaningsih
https://ejournal.akprind.ac.id/index.php/jurtek/article/view/5131Mon, 30 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0800Sistem Hidoponik Pintar : Penggunaan NodeMCU untuk pemantauan dan Kontrol pH Melalui ThingsSpeak
<p><em>OThis study focuses on the development of a water pH control device for hydroponic systems, specifically in the measurement and regulation of water pH in hydroponics. The design of the water pH control device utilizes a NodeMCU module and the Thingspeak platform based on the Internet of Things (IoT). The purpose of this research is to design, develop, and implement a water pH control tool for hydroponic water spinach cultivation, capable of accurately monitoring and measuring water pH within the hydroponic system. The performance of the IoT-based water pH control device in this study aims to enhance the efficiency of plant growth environment management, productivity, and harvest quality in hydroponic farming of water spinach</em></p>Noviardi, Hendi Matalata*, Arif Budiman, Sri Tria Siska, Zulfadli Ridho
Copyright (c) 2024 Hendi Matalata
https://ejournal.akprind.ac.id/index.php/jurtek/article/view/4368Mon, 30 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0800