Modifikasi Sistem Pengapian Konvensional ke CDI pada Motor Dua Langkah


  • Sarjono Jurusan Teknik Mesin, STT Ronggolawe Cepu
  • Dody Alfianto Jurusan Teknik Mesin, STT Ronggolawe Cepu
  • Wahyu Diono Jurusan Teknik Mesin, STT Ronggolawe Cepu



CDI, conventional ignition, exhaust gas emissions, fuel consumption, motor power and torque


The purpose of this research is to determine the performance, exhaust emissions and fuel consumption of 2-stroke motorcycles by comparing conventional ignition and CDI systems.  To find out the performance, power and torque tests were carried out on a 2-stroke motorcycle, the results of tests that have been carried out on variations of conventional ignition and CDI ignition, it is known that the use of CDI ignition has the highest power of 11.1 HP at 6250 RPM engine speed in 1.98 seconds. The use of CDI ignition has the highest torque of 12.58 Nm at 6250 RPM in 1.98 seconds. The lowest fuel consumption at 5250 rpm is 29.2 ml/min using CDI ignition. While the highest CO exhaust emissions in this study, using CDI ignition variation at 5000 rpm with an average value of 5.00% with pertalite fuel, The highest HC exhaust gas emissions in this study with an average value of 9999 ppm.


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How to Cite

Sarjono, Dody Alfianto, & Wahyu Diono. (2024). Modifikasi Sistem Pengapian Konvensional ke CDI pada Motor Dua Langkah. Jurnal Teknologi, 17(2), 101–107.