Pengaruh Penambahan Gliserol dan Kaolin serta Variabel Suhu pada Pembuatan Bioplastik dari Kulit Pisang Raja


  • Siti Diyar Kholisoh Jurusan Teknik Kimia, Fakultas Teknik Industri, UPN “Veteran” Yogyakarta
  • Faizah Hadi Jurusan Teknik Kimia, Fakultas Teknik Industri, UPN “Veteran” Yogyakarta
  • Endang Sulistyawati Jurusan Teknik Kimia, Fakultas Teknik Industri, UPN “Veteran” Yogyakarta



banana peel, bioplastic, elongation, tensile strength, water absorption capacity


Bioplastic is a kind of plastic made from natural polymers such as starch with a mixture of plasticizers and fillers. Banana peel (Musa paradisiaca L) can be used as a source of starch because it contains high starch, which is approximately 80%. This study was aimed to determine the effect of variations in glycerol concentration, kaolin concentration, and stirring temperature on the characteristics of the bioplastic, where glycerol and kaolin act as plasticizers and fillers. The experiment was conducted by mixing raw materials in the form of banana peel powder, glycerol, and kaolin. The concentrations of glycerol and kaolin were varied at 5%; 10%; 15%; 20%; 25% v/w starch, and 5%; 10%; 15%; 20%; 25% w/w starch, respectively, until bioplastic with optimum mechanical properties was obtained. Furthermore, the experiment was continued with temperature variations of 65°C; 70°C; 75°C; 80°C; and 85°C. The quality of bioplastics was examined through the thickness, tensile strength, elongation percentage, water absorption, biodegradation, and FTIR tests. Optimum results were obtained in bioplastics with a glycerol concentration, kaolin concentration, and stirring temperature of 20%, 15%, and 75oC, respectively. The relatively best bioplastics yielded had characteristics of a thickness of 0.084 mm, tensile strength of 13.047 MPa, elongation of 13.13%, and water absorption of 3.56%. These results have met Indonesia's national standards for bioplastics.


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How to Cite

Diyar Kholisoh, S. ., Faizah Hadi, & Endang Sulistyawati. (2024). Pengaruh Penambahan Gliserol dan Kaolin serta Variabel Suhu pada Pembuatan Bioplastik dari Kulit Pisang Raja. Jurnal Teknologi, 17(2), 132–140.