Sistem Hidoponik Pintar : Penggunaan NodeMCU untuk pemantauan dan Kontrol pH Melalui ThingsSpeak
hydroponics, kale, pH, thingspeakAbstract
OThis study focuses on the development of a water pH control device for hydroponic systems, specifically in the measurement and regulation of water pH in hydroponics. The design of the water pH control device utilizes a NodeMCU module and the Thingspeak platform based on the Internet of Things (IoT). The purpose of this research is to design, develop, and implement a water pH control tool for hydroponic water spinach cultivation, capable of accurately monitoring and measuring water pH within the hydroponic system. The performance of the IoT-based water pH control device in this study aims to enhance the efficiency of plant growth environment management, productivity, and harvest quality in hydroponic farming of water spinach
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