DHARMA BAKTI https://ejournal.akprind.ac.id/index.php/dharma <p><strong>Dharma Bakti</strong> adalah jurnal sebagai media publikasi hasil kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat yang dilakukan oleh para akademisi. Dharma Bakti memiliki e-ISSN 2614-2929 dan p-ISSN 2723-4878 yang terbit dua kali dalam setahun yaitu pada bulan <strong>April</strong> dan <strong>Oktober</strong>.</p> LPPM IST AKPRIND Yogyakarta en-US DHARMA BAKTI 2723-4878 Peningkatan Kesadaran Masyarakat Terkait Sanitasi Melalui Pengenalan Filter Air Baku Sederhana https://ejournal.akprind.ac.id/index.php/dharma/article/view/4618 <p>The residents of Bukur hamlet use water that is still classified as inadequate to meet their daily needs, especially for drinking water sources because there is contamination from the pipe system or water heater which is rusty or crosses water with the septic tanks found in Bukur hamlet. During observations and surveys carried out, many local residents still use water that is not suitable for drinking to meet their daily needs. If there is no awareness of how important clean water is and an understanding of making water sanitation equipment as one of the solutions that can be done to obtain clean water, then there will be even deeper problems regarding the health of these residents. This work program activity produces an understanding of how important it is to clean the water used to meet daily needs and produces solutions to obtain clean water through learning to make water sanitation equipment which can prevent users from various diseases that are affected by clean water.</p> Habibi Hidayat M. Idris Koda Emilia Copyright (c) 2024 DHARMA BAKTI 2024-04-30 2024-04-30 1 7 10.34151/dharma.v7i1.4618 Pengolahan Lahan Pertanian Menggunakan Internet of Things di Desa Wukirsari, Sleman https://ejournal.akprind.ac.id/index.php/dharma/article/view/4653 <p><em>Tri Sedyo Manunggal Farmer Group in Wukirsari Village, Sleman Regency, Yogyakarta faces challenges in managing agricultural land. The irrigation system is still done manually, while the source of electricity to drive the water pump still depends on PLN electricity and fuel. As a solution, an internet of things is needed that can monitor soil pH, humidity, temperature, and leaf color and can be accessed remotely. The irrigation system is automatic, and the power source is obtained from solar panels to drive the water pump to lift water from the well to the output pipe. Four solar panels are used, each panel has a power of 230 watts peak, a solar charge controller with a capacity of 50 amperes, two soil pH sensors, two humidity sensors, two temperature sensors, and two color sensors. The battery used is a 12-volt Valve Regulated Lead Acid (VRLA) type with a capacity of 100 Ah. A water pump with a capacity of 300 watts with a water discharge of 47 liters per minute can meet the water needs of 1 ha of agricultural land in about 3-4 hours. The maximum electrical power generated by solar panels under maximum sunlight conditions is 920 watts peak, with a maximum current of 11.79 amperes and a maximum voltage (Vmp) of 19.5 volts. Then the solar panel will charge the battery in an empty condition for about 90 minutes in 80% sunlight efficiency conditions. </em></p> Amir Hamzah Slamet Hani Gatot Santoso Khalil Sidik Copyright (c) 2024 DHARMA BAKTI 2024-04-30 2024-04-30 8 17 10.34151/dharma.v7i1.4653 Pemeliharaan dan Perhitungan Umur Travo Jaringan Distribusi 20 KV https://ejournal.akprind.ac.id/index.php/dharma/article/view/4634 <p>The distribution transformer is one of the main components in an electric power distribution system. Without a distribution transformer, consumers cannot use electrical energy directly considering that the operating voltage in the distribution system is 20 KV or what is called a medium voltage network. Disruptions that occur in distribution transformers will result in blackouts and obstruction of the distribution of electricity to consumers so that services for electricity needs will be disrupted. For this reason, routine and scheduled maintenance of distribution transformers is required which aims to prevent sudden equipment damage, as well as maintaining optimum equipment work according to its technical age, and safe for humans and the environment, as well as reliable in the electric power distribution system. One of the causes of disruption and damage to transformers include overvoltage due to lightning, overload and unbalanced loads, loss of contact at bushing terminals, broken insulators and failure of transformer oil insulation. These disturbances cause damage to distribution transformers and stop the flow of electricity. to consumers. In calculating the usage time of a transformer, we can predict the usage time of the transformer from calculating the voltage and current used every day, so if we know the usage time of a transformer, we can prevent damage to the distribution network by replacing the transformer before the transformer is damaged.</p> <p> </p> Syafriyudin Muhammad Suyanto Prastyono Eko Pambudi Copyright (c) 2024 DHARMA BAKTI 2024-04-30 2024-04-30 18 25 10.34151/dharma.v7i1.4634 Implementasi Perancangan Komunikasi Visual Media Iklan Pada Brand Dua Salak UMKM KWT Muda Jaya Sleman https://ejournal.akprind.ac.id/index.php/dharma/article/view/4676 <p>Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) are businesses undertaken by several individuals to sell their respective goods. The types and forms of these enterprises vary, encompassing clothing, food, goods, and services. One example of an MSME in Sleman is the production of chips from salak fruit, where the original fruit is processed into a snack without preservatives because its taste is already sweet, akin to the original fruit. To promote these MSME products and strengthen their branding, efforts are made in designing visual communication through advertising media. Advertising media design and the SWOT method are employed to produce advertising media that are appropriate, accurate, and communicative according to the target audience, thereby enhancing the visibility and positive progress of MSMEs in Sleman.</p> Lejar Daniartana Hukubun R Hadapiningrani Anhar Hilmi N Gregorius Pratama Copyright (c) 2024 DHARMA BAKTI 2024-05-07 2024-05-07 26 36 10.34151/dharma.v7i1.4676 Penguatan dan Pemahaman Kimia Melalui Learn Management System (LMS): Teachmit pada MGMP Kimia Kabupaten Bantul https://ejournal.akprind.ac.id/index.php/dharma/article/view/4677 <p>This activity is a training activity on strengthening understanding of chemistry through the Learning Management System (LMS). The basis for taking this activity is based on a needs analysis that has been carried out for the MGMP Chemistry teacher in Bantul Regency. A needs analysis was conducted using non-test instruments in the form of open questionnaires and interviews. Based on the needs analysis results, it shows that most teachers experience problems implementing online learning activities so that learning materials cannot be delivered properly. The method used in this activity is formal socialization—offline. The material presented is related to chemistry and applications and the introduction of LMS. LMS: Teachmint is considered to be able to facilitate students and teachers in teaching and learning activities. Teachers can efficiently conduct video conferences, share material in the form of files/videos, provide deadlines for collecting assignments, and assess and even interact with students using only a single platform. This training received a positive response from chemistry teachers; most teachers agreed to use the platform in chemistry learning</p> Beta Wulan Febriana Habibi Hidayat Krisna Merdekawati Widinda Normalia Arlianty Bayu Wiyantoko Febi Indah Fajarwati Ika Yanti Copyright (c) 2024 DHARMA BAKTI 2024-05-07 2024-05-07 37 45 Pelatihan Pembuatan Deterjen Cair Untuk Pakaian Bagi Warga Wonosalam, Ngaglik, Yogyakarta https://ejournal.akprind.ac.id/index.php/dharma/article/view/4659 <p><em>Detergent is a cleaning material widely used in households. It comes in liquid, cream, and powder forms. Despite having the same function, they differ in their forms. Previously, liquid soap was only used for cleaning kitchen utensils, but now it is also used for laundry purposes because it is practical and removes oil stains</em> <em>effectively. The examination turns out that making liquid detergent is easy and people can make this themselves at a low cost. In order to expand the knowledge of PKK</em><em> Mother’s Association</em><em> in RT05 RW09, Wonosalam, Sukoharjo, Ngaglik, Sleman, Yogyakarta, the head of the RT05 proposed the Head of LPPM </em><em>to</em><em> grant permission for instructors from the Department of Chemical Engineering and Environmental Engineering at IST AKPRIND to provide training on making liquid detergent for laundry on Sunday, October 9, 2022.</em></p> <p><em>The community service activity conducted to provide knowledge on how to economically produce liquid detergent compared to products sold in the market, and ensure that this knowledge can serve as a foundation for entrepreneurship. The activity is carried out through </em><em>the </em><em>stages of licensing, training, and mentoring that provide information on economical </em><em>side of </em><em>liquid detergent, the materials that can be used, and the steps of production. Participants in this community service activity </em><em>practicing </em><em>making liquid detergent under the guidance of </em><em>expert </em><em> from IST AKPRIND. The training process runs smoothly, with </em><em>many mom</em><em> enthusiastically participating. </em></p> Ani Purwanti Mukasi Wahyu Kurniawati Eka Sulistyaningsih Rahayu Khasanah Copyright (c) 2024 DHARMA BAKTI 2024-04-30 2024-04-30 46 52 10.34151/dharma.v7i1.4659 Pelatihan Akuaponik Kepada Masyarakat Kampung Krasak Kota Baru, Gondokusuman, Yogyakarta https://ejournal.akprind.ac.id/index.php/dharma/article/view/4696 <p>Aquaponics is a method for cultivating fish and vegetables at the same time. This method can increase family food security, such as by utilizing fish ponds or limited land. West Krasak Village is a residential area located in the center of Yogyakarta city with limited land conditions. Therefore, the village community needs to receive training on implementing aquaponics in their environment to utilize limited land and increase family food security. This training involved a team of lecturers and students from Universitas AKPRIND Indonesia. This training lasted for 3 hours, starting with introductions of team members, delivery of material, practice of aquaponic installation in front of the participants, distribution of chili seeds to the participants, and installation of aquaponic samples directly in one of the residents' ponds. This activity received extraordinary enthusiasm from residents and was able to increase public knowledge about this matter. Chili seeds measuring 10 cm can also be planted directly by the community. It is hoped that this activity can become a model for the community around West Krasak Village so that aquaponics can become a positive side activity for residents that produces positive results of fish and vegetables.</p> Andrean Emaputra Eka Sulistyaningsih Rahayu Khasanah Arifah Budhyaty Copyright (c) 2024 DHARMA BAKTI 2024-04-30 2024-04-30 53 60 10.34151/dharma.v7i1.4696 Integrasi Media Sosial Instagram Terhadap UMKM “Mie Ayam Jakarta dan Solo Pak To” Kelurahan Ngagel di Kota Surabaya https://ejournal.akprind.ac.id/index.php/dharma/article/view/4679 <p><em>MSMEs or commonly called Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises are one of the businesses that have weaknesses in the marketing sector. This task discusses the Marketing of Chicken Noodle MSMEs using Instagram social media. Marketing of this chicken noodle business is only carried out in the area around Ngagel in the city of Surabaya, so the marketing of the chicken noodle business using Instagram social media is expected to be better known by many people and can attract new customers considering the number of Instagram social media users who are quite a lot ranging from small children, teenagers to adults. After carrying out this project task, our hope is that the chicken noodle business can be better known by many people and can attract new customers</em></p> Moh. Ainul Fais I Gusti Ayu Sri Deviyanti Bambang Purwoko Agus Rahmanto Wiwik Prihartanti Nyoman Sri Widari dedy Kunhadi Copyright (c) 2024 DHARMA BAKTI 2024-04-30 2024-04-30 61 69 10.34151/dharma.v7i1.4679 Penerapan Pendampingan Kompetisi Sains Nasional Bidang Ekonomi dalam Upaya Meningkatkan Kompetisi Siswa SMAN 1 Prambanan Untuk Menghadapi KSN Bidang Ekonomi https://ejournal.akprind.ac.id/index.php/dharma/article/view/4680 <p>The National Science Competition (KSN) in Economics is a national scale event that talented and outstanding high school students throughout Indonesia attend. KSN activities are an annual agenda of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology which is an opportunity for all students to show their best abilities in science and technology. Competition among students is getting tighter, the breadth and depth of material also requires students to study hard, not just from textbooks. To increase students' competence in dealing with KSN in the Economic Sector, the Community Service Team (PkM) of the Digital Business Study Program at AKPRIND University provides assistance and training to students at SMAN 1 Prambanan, Sleman, Special Region of Yogyakarta using sharing, discussion and question and answer methods. Through an integrated, harmonious, and synergistic approach, this activity involves internal and external stakeholders. The method of mentoring, guidance, refreshment material, and training to answer KSN Economics questions is practiced by a team of lecturers who have areas of expertise in the material presented. Evaluation of activities shows positive responses from students and success in improving their ability to understand Economics material and preparing themselves to face national-level competitions. The PkM implementation model has proven to be effective and needs to be continued, while future improvements can be focused on increasing cooperation between related parties and optimizing study time.</p> Nur Rahmawati Eska Almuntaha Maria Emiliana Nadya Revania Anggun Septi Copyright (c) 2024 DHARMA BAKTI 2024-04-30 2024-04-30 70 76 10.34151/dharma.v7i1.4680 Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Melalui Program Kuliah Kerja Nyata Di Dusun Gamelan, Desa Sendangtirto, Kapanewon Berbah, Sleman https://ejournal.akprind.ac.id/index.php/dharma/article/view/4673 <p><em>Community empowerment is important to improve the quality of life and active community participation in local regional development. One way can be implemented is through the Community Service Program (KKN). This program is implemented in Gamelan Hamlet, Sendangtirto Village, Kapanewon Berbah, Sleman, which has large natural and human resources and can be improved. The research method used involves active community participation and observation of needs in the community. Furthermore, the programs provided include live pharmacy and the formation of study groups. The research results show that the KKN Program is able to make a significant contribution to empowering the Gamelan Hamlet community. Through collaboration between students, lecturers and the local community, this program has succeeded in providing skills training, increasing awareness of local potential and building strong social networks. In this process, it was identified that there was an increase in active community participation in decision-making for managing the living environment through the living pharmacy program and an increase in children's interest in learning through study groups.</em></p> Sadin Cahyono Muhammad Ikhlas Yulianto Adinda Putri Aprilia Muhammad Rafi Kurniawan Putra Ryan Giggs Munthe Febriani Astuti Copyright (c) 2024 DHARMA BAKTI 2024-04-30 2024-04-30 77 88 10.34151/dharma.v7i1.4673